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학년 전공 교과목
1학년 Culinary Fundamentals
Intro to F&B Management
Korean Cuisine
Intro to Entrepreneurship
Intro to French Bakery
SIRES English
2학년 HR Management in Hospitality Industry
Entrepreneurship 2 (Restaurant Operations)
Advanced F&B Service Skills and Technology
Innovative Technologies for Hospitality
Creative Menu Practice
Intro to French Pastry
3학년 Wine Sommelier(Practice)
Entrepreneurship 3 : Finance
Digital Marketing for food service Industry
Wine and Food Tourism
Contemporary Issues and Strategies in Food and Beverage Management
Modern Asian Cuisine
Creative Catering and Event Planning
4학년 Specially Coffee
Customer Relationship Management in the Hospitality Industry
Restaurant Layout and Design
Hospitality Business Start-Up Project
Strategic leadership in the Hospitality
Entrepreneurship 4 : Restaurant Development and Operations
Capstone Project
Food & wine paring and Sonic Senses
Marketing Communication Technologies
CDR 교육목표 융합/
관련 교과 심화 교과 자격증 취업/창업분야
급변하는 외식산업의 특성에 맞춘 경영지식과 외식산업 및 유통관련 실무를 이해하고 전문지식 및 능력을 갖춘다.
  • 외식산업SW연계부전공
  • Restaurant and Event Management융합부전공
  • Intro to Entrepreneurship
  • Creative Menu Practice
  • Marketing for food service Industry
  • Entrepreneurship 3 : Finance
  • Restaurant Layout and Design
  • Customer Relationship Management in the Hospitality Industry
  • 외식경영관리사
  • 외식경영지도사
  • 조리산업기사
  • 호텔 및 전문식당 F&B 경영자
  • 글로벌프랜차이즈 식당 경영자
  • 외식관련 창업 컨설팅
음식 관련
조리 분야의 숙련된 기술을 습득하고 실질적인 주방관리를 담당할 전문지식 및 능력을 갖춘다.
  • Escoffier
  • Culinary Fundamentals
  • Korean Cuisine
  • Creative Catering and Event Planning
  • Wine and Food Tourism
  • Modern Asian Cuisine
  • 조리기능사
  • 조리직공무원
  • 조리산업기사
  • 푸드코디네이터
  • 음식메뉴개발자
  • 파티플래너
음료 업종 식음료 업계에 관련하여 외식 고객 서비스와 업장 관리능력을 갖춘다.
  • Contemporary Issues and Strategies in Food and Beverage Management
  • Advanced F&B Service Skills and Technology
  • Intro to F&B Management
  • Wine Sommelier(Practice)
  • Food & wine paring and Sonic Senses
  • Specialty Coffee
  • 조주기능사
  • 바리스타
  • 국제 바텐더
  • 와인 WSET
  • 소믈리에
  • 바텐더
  • 바리스타